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E-WMS scanner settings "Focus to next field" and "Show barcode summary"

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This document describes the E-WMS hand terminal settings 'Focus to next field' and 'Show barcode summary'.



In E-WMS hand terminal settings the setting focus to next field can make scanning more efficient. The functionality of this setting is also referred to as 'one-line-scan' = the transaction (or all required item data) is scanned with just one scan movement.

From release 409, the setting 'Focus to next field' is available per separate hand terminal process setting, in release 408 and earlier this was a general scanner setting.

This setting is applied in E-WMS ASP when scanning barcodes like EAN128 or HIBC, and also when scanning a SKU number. These types of barcodes have one thing in common: several scan fields can be prefilled (and skipped) from the scanned barcode. The setting 'focus to next field' determines whether you want to skip those prefilled fields, or still want to check these and confirm them manually.

This means, when the setting 'Focus to next field' is:

Enabled:    then values taken from the barcode or the SKU are prefilled but still need to be confirmed individually (by pressing Enter)

Disabled:    then values taken from the barcode or the SKU are prefilled (and also validated) and input is skipped for those fields

Sample: transferring a batch item with enabled and disabled 'focus to next field':

Focus to next field: enabled (one-line-scan disabled)    
scan EAN128 in item code field confirm batch confirm quantity scan target warehouse and location
Focus to next field: disabled (one-line-scan enabled)    
scan EAN128 in item code field enter target warehouse and location    

A SKU number can be scanned in the warehouse or location field, then even input of (source) warehouse and location can be skipped.

In the transfers process, there is (depending settings) still the target warehouse and location to scan, after scanning the GS1-128 barcode or the SKU number.
This means even with 'focus to next field' disabled, you still have information visible what was just scanned.
In some issue scans, like in picking sales orders, the screen can immediately return for the next scan, after scanning a barcode. This can be confusing as to what you just scanned.

To have 'focus to next field' disabled and still see kind of confirmation what you scanned, you can enable the setting 'Show barcode summary' (scanner setting, per process).


A sample of orderpicking with SKU numbers and 'focus to next field' disabled and with and 'Show barcode summary' disabled and enabled:

'Focus to next field' disabled and 'Show barcode summary' disabled:  
After selecting the orderline to pick
the SKU number is scanned:
The first orderline is already done, and the second advice line is not shown:    
'Focus to next field' disabled and 'Show barcode summary' enabled:  
After selecting the orderline to pick
the SKU number is scanned:
The scan summary screen is shown, press the Enter key or tap 'OK'. The second advice line is shown:  

Also note following details in these scan screens:

  • The 'Scan unit' toggle (behind '0%') is set to "SKU": this means a full pallet was advised (instead of: a part of a SKU). When this would have been "Units", then you would have to pick from a SKU, and still enter and confirm the quantity.
  • When the second advice line is show, the scanning progress is updated: now 5% of the order is picked, and the orange progress bar has changed

Document E-WMS process properties compared shows in which E-WMS processes the setting 'Focus to next field' can be used.


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